Project Phoenix
This article was really intersering to me because floating solar panels is a really big deal for the environment because its provides clean energy. The basic idea of floating solar panels is to attach solar panels to plastic floats which then drift on a body of water. These floating solar arrays are typically placed on man-made bodies of water—a town’s water reservoir, an irrigation reservoir, a water treatment facility—as to avoid interfering with plant and animal species that live in natural bodies of water. The solar panels can be useful to animals in that envoronment.
While the idea of floating solar panels is interesting, I don't really see much of a point to it when they could be simply placed on land, especially when the United States is as large of a country as it is. Additionally, how would the benefits of this idea outweigh the cost of manufacturing the panels, potential to be interfered with by animals, and slow energy output of the panels?
i think floating solar panel is really cool because you can just sent into space it will be closer to the sun and you will receive more energy
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