The instillation of the D2 diode was hard. My advice is to move the motor controllers off of the board for better air control and to bend one end of the diode so that it may fit and bend the ground so that it touches the top of the diode.

For the Marlin instillation I needed to download the U8glib-HAL library and enable it to work with the REPRAP_DISCOUNT. When including the library make sure its in the lib folder and make sure you include it via the include library function in the Arduino IDE. When compiling the program it can take 2 to 3 minutes.

*** When making wires it may be best to check ware they go and if that connection fits their(their are conflicting connections in Da Vinci Jr version to Mini so use your intuition on what connection for each end goes where)

Extruder heater, thermometer and fan are in place. Marlin is partially configured (ask Matthews for drive containing it).

Double check with an alterative source that the Ramps 20v to 24v conversion has worked, figure out how to connect the main power to the ramps board from outlet with out it exploding,